
Add exporter to physicseditor
Add exporter to physicseditor

add exporter to physicseditor

Changed Bones UI to display bones information efficiently and save CPU resources. Experimentally added importing complex model functionality (Mesh vertices count > 65535) Added boneConvertion.ini file, this file can automaticly convert bone names from mixamo rig to sekiro/ds3 rig. Added "Material->Edit" buttons, so that you can quickly edit the textures path and basic material information. It can export formatted json text for you to edit. Added "Material->Export json" functionality. hkx file related meshes without disable the. Added "Mesh->Delete faceset only" functionality. Added a blue normal line to help you check the chosen vertex's normal. Once you click "Fix model" in that blender plugin, it will automatically rename every bones, and FLVER editor can automatically recongize these renamed bones' names and convert them to Sekiro/DS3 style bone names. Support blender's "CATS" plugin's bone names.( ) If its parent or grandgrand.parent bone exists in flver scene, it will automatically bind to that bone instead of bind to the root bone. It will try to find if its parentīone is bind to a existing bone. If a vertex is bind to a bone that does not exist in original flver file. Added Finding parent bone functionality. Added "Mesh->A" (select all or deselect all) buttons, so that you can select/deselect checkboxes quickly. By checking this you can rotate meshes in degrees instead of radiant. Added "Mesh->Rotate in degrees" check box. (Sometimes you still need to rotate 180 degrees in Y axis though.) Added Switch YZ axis functionality when you are importing fbx files into the scene. Scale the normals according to the values you typed in the scale textfields. Added "Mesh->N.Flip" button near the scale textfields. Fixed Switch YZ axis functionality's UV coordinate problems when importing models. (Can auto read and set diffuse, specular and normal channels' first textures.) Added "Import model->Auto set texture path" functionality, when importing fbx files, user can choose auto set texture path insead typing them manually. Added "Material->Xml Edit" functionalty, so that editor can auto set texture description file depacked from. When load "Bone.json" file, you can choose to shift bone weights indices according to their bone name. Fixed xml auto edit bug and tangent flip bug. Press B to toggle skeleton display and press M to toggle dummmy display! Added skeleton display & toggle functionalty! Added vertex right click edit functionality. Added automatic material rename functionality. flv file and make it compatible with new P material.Īdded Mesh->TBF, so that you can choose to render the back face or not. Reset functionality to help you port DS2. Added experimental "Export DAE" functionalityĪdded mesh->M.


Added: Silence vertex deletion functionality: ctrl + right click in 3d model viewing software to enter such mode, then press alt + right click to quick delete vertex. Added : "delete vertex" and "delete vertex above/below" functionality In "Check vertex" window, added vertex mesh index info and vertex index info. Added more shading mode and F6: flat shading mode for better display. Added MySFormat.ini to help tweaking some special setting, such as loadTexture. Added texture loading functionality: the tpf file's name must be the same as flver file name.


flver model file to importable XPS file): Update log tpf texture file etc.): īB model extractor(Convert. Yabber(Further unpack&repack files usch as partsbnd.dcx.

add exporter to physicseditor


exe executable program, please download the release version at here: Special thanks to TKGP's souls format library and Zulie the witch, Katalash. Users can view and edit models, materials, dummy points inside the FLVER file and can also import external models into the FLVER file. A probably multi-functional editor to edit Fromsoftware game's FLVER model file (Sekiro, Dark Souls, Bloodborne etc.)

Add exporter to physicseditor